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Therapy Journey

Whether you’ve already taken therapy before or are planning to take the first step towards your betterment but have no idea about what therapy is, you’ve come to the right place. This page aims to answer all the questions you may have about therapy.

Welcome to your therapy journey!


Therapy is a collaborative process in which the client and the therapist interact, communicate and work on cognitive, emotional and behavioural challenges that a client may be facing. It aims to provide a non judgmental, safe space for deep self explorations in which the client can understand, unpack and navigate issues that may be burdening them. It renders supportive care so that the client can develop skills that will lead them to experience wholistic wellbeing and overall better life satisfaction.


Anyone can take therapy- from 3 year olds to people in their 80s, people in any place, people of any race, any gender or sex, any profession, any socio-economic background. Therapy is for you, for me-therapy is for everybody.


Talking to friends when you’re down helps and does count as social support, which is helpful and important in many ways. So is doing activities that you find therapeutic like going for walks, listening to music or making art. But none of these things are a substitute to actual psychotherapy. During this process, a trained professional facilitates and aids you to find solutions to your own issues-all of these things can be an adjunct to therapy


One can seek help at any time in their lives. Therapy is not just for people who are experiencing struggles with their mental health-it is for anyone who wants to improve and live a more fulfilled life. It can be sought for a number of issues-not just mental health ones like depression, anxiety, ADHD, Autism, personality disorders, Schizophrenia, etc- but also for normal life stressors like having a health scare or diagnosis, relationship trouble, transitions from one phase of life to another, moving, job or professional stressors, loss, grief, making and maintaining good interpersonal relationships, etc. The moment you feel like you cannot cope, the moment you feel like your mental health is affecting your normal functioning*, or you feel like you just want to work on yourself, explore and get to know yourself and live a better quality of life, reach out! *It is important to remember that each person’s normal looks different. You know best what’s best for you.

  • You reach out by filling the contact form or via message or call to Beyond the Box with Bhakti.
  • We send you a Google form which will collect basic information about you – don’t worry, your information will be safe (Read privacy policy here:)
  • Then, we schedule a 15-minute free consultation call in which we discuss you and your journey briefly and schedule a session at a convenient time. (You can also do this by going to the book appointment page.)
  • We then engage in the first session, known as the intake interview session, in which we decide what goals need to be worked on. Informed consent is signed.
  • The process of therapy takes place in an offline or virtual mode as per your preference.
  • We close the therapy journey once the goals have been met. Note that at any point, if you feel like you want to end the therapy journey, you are allowed to do so after filling a small termination form.

The process of therapy begins the moment you make the first call or book your first session. In our culture, talking about our feelings and mental health is such a taboo and there is a lot of stigma attached to it. No one wants to recognise how brave it is to want to get better. Here at Beyond the Box with Bhakti, we applaud you and implore you to please seek help. For each person, therapy looks different. We work from an eclectic approach in which we are not tied to a single school of psychology but borrow techniques from different ones so that we can tailor make a therapy plan according to your needs. In therapy not only do you talk about your issues and needs as an individual, but also work on them using well researched, specialised techniques and practice in order to develop healthy coping skills. Deep exploration and learning and application are the two keys to successful therapy journey. The aim of therapy is to make you stop coming to therapy-to facilitate your growth and make you self sufficient so that you are able to manage and cope with your stressors and issues on your own. You are important.


Just as each finger on our hand is different, each person is unique in the way they have been brought up, their experiences and their view of the world. Because of this, the number of sessions each client requires to successfully achieve their therapeutic goal is different. Even the therapy for two clients that have the same issue (eg: depression)will not be the same. It will differ according to the client and their unique aspects. Your emotions, your struggles, your thoughts are valid.


Just as in a jigsaw puzzle, two pieces just fit right, the client and therapist are fellow travellers on a journey that just match. How can you tell if your therapist is the right one for you? The first indicator is how comfortable they make you feel. If you’re comfortable sharing the deepest things in your life with your therapist, it is a sign they are probably the right fit for you. They make you feel heard and understood. You do not feel judged by them. Your vibe matches with theirs. They do not cross ethical boundaries. These are the signs your therapist and you have a good healthy therapeutic connection, which is the main predictor of a successful and positive therapy experience.


Therapy can be taken in different settings-there can be an inpatient or outpatient treatment, group therapy, couples therapy or individual therapy. The experience of therapy will bring you closer to yourself, give you more clarity. That being said, it may bring up heavy, intense emotions and feelings of discomfort. You are allowed to walk away any time you want. You are needed. You are useful. You matter.


The therapist may take notes during the session. You will have a 50 min session, in which you will talk, do exercises or behavioural experiments, use scales and other play instruments to work on your mental health goals. Let’s start with the first step! If you still have any questions about therapy, do feel free to reach out and contact us! We implore you to seek help, to talk to someone-not necessarily us- but any mental health professional or even friends and family if you’re feeling down. We care about your mental health. You can also try various resources from our resources page.


The Fees

Pricing of intake interview session :
Rs: 1000/-

Pricing of each session scheduled after:
Rs: 1500/-


Sessions Price
4 Sessions Rs 5,550/-/-
8 Sessions Rs 11,100/-/-
12 Sessions Rs 16,150/-/-
The End

Whether you’ve already taken therapy before or are planning to take the first step towards your betterment but have no idea about what therapy is, you’ve come to the right place. This page aims to answer all the questions you may have about therapy.